Here is a nice detailed map for Super Metroid on SNES’

Here is a nice detailed map for Super Metroid on SNES’
The underwater UFO in GTA V is around the top of the map. You want to look for a sharp looking peninsula and head to the right of it on this map. (Look at the green cursor not the crosshairs)
Here are some maps that will help you navigate through Neutopa for TurboGrafX 16
Invincibility: At the title screen, press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Left Right, Up, then press start.
Level / Stage Select: At the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, B, B, B, then press start. Use the select button to choose a stage and press A to start the stage.
Continue after game over: At the game over screen, hold down A, B and select and press start.
More continues – As soon as you lose your last life, hold down button I and SELECT at the same time and repeatedly tap LEFT on the d-pad. (Most cheat code websites tell you to put button I on turbo, do NOT do this as it doesn’t work).
10 Lives – On the title screen, highlight Options and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A on controller 2 and press start on controller 1.
Theme song remix – Enter the options menu from the title screen, select the song STAFF in the sound test, start the song by pressing B and then repeatedly tap Y for a remix of the song
Ultimate Passwords:
3YHURYW7Y7LL8C – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Hawk-Man Status
3YHURYW7Y7LRBW – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Lizard-Man Status
3YHURYW7Y7LM80 – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Mouse-Man Status
3YHURYW7Y7LN84 – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Piranha-Man Status
3YHURYW7Y7LK88 – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Tiger-Man Status
RMAYTJEOPHALUP – Doors don’t have sound effect.
Change Characters at any time – Equip the Tasmanian Sword, press and hold select, press and hold I, and press II while in mid air from the jump.
Invincibility – At the “Press Start” screen press A, A, UP, B, B, DOWN, A, B, START
View Ending / Credits – At the “Press Start” screen press A, A, UP, B, B, DOWN, A, B, B, START
Stage Select – At the “Press Start” screen press LEFT UP RIGHT DOWN UP RIGHT LEFT DOWN then press the following for the stage you want:
Stage 2: UP
Stage 3: LEFT
Stage 4: DOWN
Stage 5: RIGHT
Stage 6: SELECT
Stage 7: B
Stage Select – Choose arcade mode, at the character selection screen, while holding down/left and B press start and you should see the stage select number appear on the upper left hand corner of the screen, use up and down to select a stage, select your character and press start.
9 Credits / Continues – Choose arcade mode, at the character select screen, while holding down/left A and C, press start. Select a character and press start.
Option Mode / Stage Select, Difficulty Select, Extra Lives and Sound Test – At the title screen press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, A, B, START