Maps for Neutopia for TurboGrafX 16

Here are some maps that will help you navigate through Neutopa for TurboGrafX 16

Land Sphere
Land Sphere – Crypt 1
Land Sphere Crypt 2
Subterranean Sphere
Subterranean Sphere Crypt 1
Subterranean Sphere Crypt 2
Sea Sphere
Sea Sphere Crypt 1
Sea Sphere Crypt 2
Sky Sphere
Sky Sphere Crypt 1
Sky Sphere Crypt 2

Cheat codes for Astyanax – Nintendo (NES)

Invincibility: At the title screen, press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Left Right, Up, then press start.

Level / Stage Select: At the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, B, B, B, then press start. Use the select button to choose a stage and press A to start the stage.

Continue after game over: At the game over screen, hold down A, B and select and press start.

Cheat codes for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV – Turtles in Time – Super Nintendo (SNES)

10 Lives – On the title screen, highlight Options and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A on controller 2 and press start on controller 1.

Theme song remix – Enter the options menu from the title screen, select the song STAFF in the sound test, start the song by pressing B and then repeatedly tap Y for a remix of the song

Cheat codes for Dragon’s Curse – TurboGrafX 16

Ultimate Passwords:
3YHURYW7Y7LL8C – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Hawk-Man Status

3YHURYW7Y7LRBW – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Lizard-Man Status

3YHURYW7Y7LM80 – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Mouse-Man Status

3YHURYW7Y7LN84 – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Piranha-Man Status

3YHURYW7Y7LK88 – Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Tiger-Man Status


RMAYTJEOPHALUP – Doors don’t have sound effect.

Change Characters at any time – Equip the Tasmanian Sword, press and hold select, press and hold I, and press II while in mid air from the jump.

Cheat codes for Abadox – Nintendo (NES)

Invincibility – At the “Press Start” screen press A, A, UP, B, B, DOWN, A, B, START

View Ending / Credits – At the “Press Start” screen press A, A, UP, B, B, DOWN, A, B, B, START

Stage Select – At the “Press Start” screen press LEFT UP RIGHT DOWN UP RIGHT LEFT DOWN then press the following for the stage you want:
Stage 2: UP
Stage 3: LEFT
Stage 4: DOWN
Stage 5: RIGHT
Stage 6: SELECT
Stage 7: B

Cheat codes for Golden Axe – Sega Genesis

Stage Select – Choose arcade mode, at the character selection screen, while holding down/left and B press start and you should see the stage select number appear on the upper left hand corner of the screen, use up and down to select a stage, select your character and press start.

9 Credits / Continues – Choose arcade mode, at the character select screen, while holding down/left A and C, press start. Select a character and press start.